Ethical Hacking

Who is a Certified Ethical Hacker?

A Certified Ethical Hacker (C.E.H) is one name given to a Penetration Tester. An ethical hacker is usually employed by an organization that trusts him or her to attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems.

An Ethical Hacker has obtained a certification in how to look for the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a Hacker or Cracker.

Individuals, companies and governments are nowadays all completely dependent on the Internet. However, most of them still remain unaware of the various risks of cyber crime and fraud. With a growth in computer users and networks, the scale and sophistication of cyber crimes has increased as well - hence creating a high demand for Ethical Hackers, not only in India but globally. The job of an Ethical Hacker is to get into the minds of computer criminals, think like them and come up with innovative methods to protect computers, networks and data. Companies hire ethical hackers to find out any vulnerability that might exist in their network and to find out how to fix them.

In simple words we can say that who prevent the system or network is a hacker and one who breaks the system or network is a cracker hence we can say that a Hacker is a good guy an on other hand a Cracker is a bad guy.

Defend your Network Against Crackers. Master the Hacking Technologies. Become a Certified Ethical Hacker

Note: All crackers are hackers, but not all hackers are crackers.

If you want to know more about C.E.H Then Visit or