How about creating any message (From any name and number you choose) in your (Or any other) mobile and send it to your own inbox and that too without any network and operator (In offline mode, no SIM required)??? Impossible? No, actually it is easier than sending a real SMS. This is called a fake SMS, a prank that will astonish even an unaware mobile expert. Sometimes for fun and sometimes to make someone believe something, this trick is awesome.
So to get started, you need to have Active File installed in your Symbian S60 phone (Download from HERE). Active File is a free file explorer app (Just like X-Plore and FExplorer) for Symbian mobiles (All editions and versions). Besides, Active File can do a whole lot of other things as well. Now to create and send a fake SMS, run Active File and go to "Options/Tools/Create Fake SMS" (Here you can set parameters like sender’s name, mobile number, text of message, date, time, number of times sms will be sent, set as read status and target folder (Inbox, Outbox, sent, draft). Fill the required fields and go to “Options/Create”, simple and yo!!! Your message tone will ring up the next moment (Or at the set time) and a “genuine” SMS (That you just created yourself) will flash as a “1 new message”. There is no way theses messages can be distinguished from other SMSes. Now time to have some fun with your friends.
 NOTE: This app is available only for Symbian S60 phones (S60v2, 3 and 5), so no luck for other OS phones (Java, Windows mobile, iPhone, Blackberry, Android etc).  "

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